Yishan Wang

Beijing OriginPoly Bio-Tec Co., Ltd, China

Title: Clinical actionability of molecular diagnosis in endometrial cancer


Endometrial cancer (EC) is the most common gynecological cancer in high-income cities or countries, with an increasing incidence and mortality worldwide. Although most EC are diagnosed in perimenopausal or postmenopausal patients with abnormal uterine bleeding, the number of cancers diagnosed in young women is increasing. Clinical evaluation includes pelvic examination, imaging, and histopathological examination by invasive fractional dilatation, curettage, and hysteroscopic biopsy remain necessary. Unfortunately, transvaginal ultrasound cannot reliably distinguish between benign and malignant lesions. However, the accuracy of diagnosing ECs using current methods is still low, and the examination process brings pain and anxiety to patients. Consequently, noninvasive molecular markers with acceptable accuracy for EC detection, at least in symptomatic women, are much needed. We have demonstrated promising epigenetic biomarkers CDO1 and CELF4 in cervical scraping cells for minimally invasive screening and triage management of ECs in women with suspected EC syndrome or abnormal uterine bleeding. These epigenetic biomarkers could broaden the scope of Pap testing and potentially be employed to detect ECs in the early stage, when the disease is easiest to treat. We also used TCGA based molecular subgroup detection (POLE, MMR, and p53 mutation) and its therapeutic prognostic significance to improve the paradigm shift development of EC risk stratification. In this speech, I will present the value of adding genetic- and epigenetic-based biomarkers to the clinical EC diagnosis and treatment process. I also analyzed and compared substantive clinical data to explore the value and significance of minimally invasive molecular testing as a future management method for EC patients. We summarized the overarching molecular characteristics of endometrial cancer and highlight our recent studies in genetic and methylation detection, which has clinical relevance for early detection, disease risk stratification, and directing targeted therapies.


Yishan Wang MD graduated from Jilin University, Changchun, China. Currently, he is a product manager at Beijing OriginPoly Bio-tech Co., Ltd.